Dear friends, We are ready! I have never been to an NDP Convention where this was more apparent. Activists behind the scenes worked for months to prepare the events and raised the bar high! Young people leaping to the mics, environmentalists joining forces with brilliant academics, and lawyers, students, business people, and seniors speaking to resolutions that make our party relevant. We are a party of leaders…all of us together. And for us it’s not politics as usual! The fall 2019 provincial election will be upon us in no time and I know that working together we will be ready to lead our province to a new place of fairness, equality, and prosperity. So, let’s stoke the fire in our bellies and work like we have never done before to build our movement. And let’s turn Tommy Douglas’ quote of “where no one is left behind” around to mean each and every one of us must be included, engaged, and ready to roll up our sleeves and jump in! We need all hands on deck There are all kinds of ways to get involved including committee work, leading round table discussions in your community, starting a District Association, going door to door with a petition, and finding a candidate you want to represent you. Tell us how you’re going to get involved and how we can help. Let’s do this together! It’s an honour to serve as our new Leader. And what an honour it was to campaign side by side with Alison Coffin who showed us what a strong and dynamic feminist economist will bring to the House of Assembly! And thank you to Lorraine Michael who led us so confidently during these past six months.
Our Convention last weekend was a huge success – thanks to everyone who worked hard to prepare an inspiring two days of workshops, resolutions, and panels, especially Chair Mona Rossiter and her Convention Planning Committee of NDP member-activists just like you. And yes, even the resolutions and constitutional amendments were inspiring and the session with three feminist comedians interviewing three feminist environmentalists was great! Thank you past President Mark Gruchy and past Provincial Executive who so capably guided us through the last two years, and a big welcome to our new President Lynn Moore and team who now pick up and move us forward. We’ll all be hearing directly from Lynn very shortly.
I want to hear from you
As we work together to change the political landscape of our province, I want to hear directly from you – your concerns, insights, and ideas about how to strengthen and improve our communities and province. Tell me what is most important to you, your family, and community? And here’s a question: what is the most important thing a government could do to help your community/region develop sustainable jobs? I am so looking forward to your ideas and solutions that will help guide us in our work. Let’s do this together! Drop me a line at info@nl.ndp.ca. Contact me anytime – would love to hear from you. Let’s keep talking...
In solidarity,

Gerry Rogers Leader, NL NDP