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Government Indifferent about Addressing Airfare Costs in Labrador

For Immediate Release

October 21, 2024

MHA Jordan Brown (Labrador West) is disappointed, but not surprised, with government’s continued inaction on finding solutions to make intra-provincial travel more affordable for Labradorians.


Brown has raised the issue of intra-provincial travel costs for Labradorians many times to government in the House of Assembly. He is appalled today to see through the media that the cost of flights has risen 33.1% in Happy Valley – Goose Bay, and a staggering 47% in Wabush. Brown says he hopes these numbers finally make government understand the realities that Labradorians face. 


“Labradorians didn’t need to read the CBC article to know how bad it has gotten in terms of flight costs in the Big Land. Maybe this will finally open the eyes of the government to take this seriously; however, I won’t hold my breath,” said Brown. “Government is more interested in subsidizing flights to Europe than they are in finding real solutions to address the inaccessibility Labradorians face when it comes to travel.


“When I asked the Minister about the subsidies for Europe and when we will see them for Labrador, the Minister stated the importance of tourism. No one is saying tourism isn’t important but imagine how many doors could be opened by making travel in Labrador affordable. It would help tourism, not hinder it.”


In May, Brown asked government to commit to finding solutions to address the high cost of airfare, suggesting a task force. He says government’s refusal to do so proves it does not does not prioritize the needs of Labradorians.


“This is not a new issue. This is something that Labradorians have been sounding the alarm on for years,” said Brown. “For government to continue to push it aside shows that they have no interest in working together to find real solutions. So much for ‘out-of-the-box’ ideas!


“This is just another item on the long list proving how this government neglects Labradorians.”




For further information, contact Stephanie Curran, Media and Communications Officer, NDP Caucus at 330-0328 (o), or  



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