For Immediate Release
August 9, 2024
With the uncertainty around the future of The Telegram, the oldest newspaper in Newfoundland and Labrador, NDP Leader Jim Dinn (St. John’s Centre) wrote a letter calling on Premier Andrew Furey to intervene and ensure the protection of journalism, the print press, and the workers that depend on The Telegram.
Highlighting the workers and communities that depends on print media, Dinn says that the sale of The Telegram/Saltwire to Postmedia, a company owned by New Jersey hedge fund Chatham Asset Management, could erase the need for the printing press and the workers that depend on it.
“Many people, including seniors, rely on physical paper rather than online to get their news. It will essentially be forgotten and eventually disappear and have a negative impact on local news coverage,” Dinn writes. “The province will have lost the last major print media outlet dedicated to reporting provincial stories. It will further undermine a robust trusted independent media, essential in informed public and political discourse”
This letter calls on the Premier to immediately meet with representatives of Unifor and UFCW, the unions that represent the workers.
A full transcript of Dinn’s letter to the Premier follows.
For further information, contact Stephanie Curran, Media Relations Manager, NDP Caucus at 330-0328 (o), or stephaniecurran@gov.nl.ca
August 8, 2024
Premier Andrew Furey
Office of the Premier
PO Box 8700
St John’s, NL
A1B 4J6
Dear Premier Furey,
Newfoundland and Labrador is in danger of losing its oldest newspaper unless action is taken. Your intervention is needed regarding the acquisition of Saltwire by Postmedia to protect the 145 year old The Telegram, journalism, and the workers, communities, organisations who depend on the Telegram. I urge you to immediately meet with representatives of Unifor and UFCW, the unions who represent its workers.
The deal, if approved, will give Postmedia a virtual monopoly of print media across the country. That and the fact that Postmedia is owned by New Jersey hedge fund Chatham Asset Management is deeply concerning. It has no commitment to the province or to the people who depend on The Telegram. Based on their previous history they will buy The Telegram name, essentially cutting adrift physical assets such as the press and laying off workers. News outlets have reported that Postmedia is continuing distribution contracts with carriers in Nova Scotia, but not in Newfoundland and Labrador. This suggests that The Telegram will no longer be printed, but will instead transition totally to a digital platform with a bare bones journalism staff.
It will be a terrible deal all round. Without a buyer for the press many workers with specialized skill sets will be out of jobs as well as people involved with the distribution of the Telegram. The press is the only one in the province and prints such community papers as the Shoreline, Northeast Avalon Times, and Fogo Codversations. The press also prints flyers, the Newfoundland Quarterly, Union Forum, and documents for NL Health Services, Memorial University, Academy Canada, Newfoundland Liquor Corporation, Coleman’s, Kids Eat Smart, and the Municipal Assessment Agency. There are others as well.
If The Telegram goes digital, it will effectively kill the paper. Many people, including seniors, rely on physical paper rather than online to get their news. It will essentially be forgotten and eventually disappear and have a negative impact on local news coverage. The province will have lost the last major print media outlet dedicated to reporting provincial stories. It will further undermine a robust trusted independent media, essential in informed public and political discourse.
The consequences of a Postmedia acquisition of Saltwire will be devastating for the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. It is imperative that you meet with representatives of Unifor, and UFCW to determine how best to protect journalism, the print press, and the jobs that depend on The Telegram.
Thank you for your attention to this serious issue, and I look forward to your reply.
James Dinn, M.H.A.
District of St. John’s Centre
Leader, Third Party Caucus