For Immediate Release A Message from the NL NDP in Solidarity with the people of Wet’suwet’en
30 November, 2021
On topics such as what we are watching unfold on Wet’suwet’en, and for official positions on indigenous issues, the NL NDP relies on the membership of its indigenous caucus to provide context, guidance, and a path forward.
In the spirit of “Nothing about us without us”, the executive of the NL NDP has turned to the Indigenous Caucus to write the statement that follows.
The NL NDP stands behind the words of our Indigenous Caucus, and thank them for continuing to be a driving force, and sound consult on issues facing Indigenous peoples.
NL NDP Statement on Wet’suwet’en:
From coast to coast to coast, all eyes have been on Wet’suwet’en and the colonial violence inflicted on Indigenous land defenders, elders, journalists, and more. Newfoundland and Labrador is no exception: the NL NDP has been angered as we have watched, once again, the violent raids by the RCMP on Indigenous land defenders, supporters, and allies.
Coastal GasLink, with the backing of militarized RCMP forces, and in turn the provincial NDP government in BC, have acted extremely aggressively against the Wet’suwet’en. They have invaded unceded land for the pipeline without free, prior, and informed consent. They have attacked and arrested Indigenous people, land defenders, elders. They have arrested journalists, creating a media blackout at gunpoint to silence these violent acts. This goes against who we are as New Democrats and we condemn these actions wholeheartedly.
The NLNDP stands in solidarity with the Wet’suewt’en First Nation, the land defenders, elders, and all who are fighting for the protection of the Yintah, defending their lands and waters. We affirm their right to defend their territories from harmful oil and gas companies that do not have their free, prior, or informed consent to be on their territories. We stand in solidarity with their assertion of their sovereignty and support their mission to protect the environment from further destruction.
We call on the BCNDP, CGL, and the RCMP to vacate Wet’suwet’en territories. We request that all jailed land defenders and journalists are released and their charges dropped immediately.
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Communications Support, NL NDP at 697.5363 (m), or eddy.stcoeur@nl.ndp.ca